Entry Form and Rules

Entry forms for the 2025 season are now available - see below.

Noosa Arts Theatre Playwriting Competition Entry Form

Noosa Arts Theatre holds this annual competition to foster and encourage playwrights, whether amateur or professional. An adjudication panel will assess the scripts anonymously and equally based on the quality of the writing, and on its suitability for staging in an intimate theatre setting.

Full details are included in the Rules , Entry Form & Formatting documents. Please read these rules carefully as entry fees are non-refundable and failure to comply with any of the rules will mean disqualification from the competition. Receipt of script will be acknowledged.

Rules for Entry

Entry form as a Word Document

OAP Formatting Document

We would like to thank our major sponsor, Mrs Eleanor Nimmo and the late Dr David Nimmo for the support of this initiative.

NOTE: This competition is not restricted to Australian residents.
Payment options include electronic funds transfer and PayPal, please contact the convenor if you wish to use these facilities.

For more information, please email oapcomp@noosaartstheatre.org.au or phone 61 (0)7 5449 9343.